Welcome to St Mary the Virgin Church

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St Mary’s Church is currently in a ‘Vacancy’ (when we are without a Vicar) following the retirement of Tony Shutt our Vicar of 28 years in September 2023. During the Vacancy Rachel and Helen our Church Wardens manage the day to day running of St Mary’s with the support of the Parochial Church Council. Our weekly Sunday services continue and will kindly be led by visiting Clergy. Everyone is welcome to attend any of the services. We would love to see you.

We welcome enquiries about Baptism, Thanksgiving for Birth, Confirmation, Weddings, Marriage Blessings, Anniversaries, Memorials, Commemorations, Funerals, House Blessings, and Special Celebrations.
Anything to do with the Church please contact: Helen Sloan (hs.churchwarden@sendparishchurch.co.uk | 07874 256146) or Rachel Wilkinson (rw.churchwarden@sendparishchurch.co.uk | 07722 924005)

Lisa Floyd (Parish Safeguarding Officer) safeguarding@sendparishchurch.co.uk | guildfordsafeguarding@cofeguildford.org.uk to report a concern 01483 790379.
Information about safeguarding in Guildford Diocese and reporting can be found at https://www.cofeguildford.org.uk/parish-support/safeguarding/

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Send Church, Surrey

Church of St Mary the Virgin, Church Lane, Send, Woking Surrey has housed Christian Worship for 800 years.
It is the parish church for the village of Send and is situated near the towns of Woking and Guildford in a rural part of the county of Surrey.
It is an Anglican (Church of England) church in the Woking Deanery which is part of the Diocese of Guildford. Services are held every Sunday throughout the year,
and at the major festivals of Christmas and Easter. 
St. Mary's welcomes all who wish to come.
If you are a new resident of Send
please see our Welcome booklet which has lots of useful information for you.
We also publish a monthly magazine. Click here to read it.

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